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home is where the art is
Life at our community is like nowhere else
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The Epicenter of Luxury & convenience
a balcony with a view of a street

Welcome to Meadowbridge Apartments

Meadowbridge Apartments, in Seaford, DE, offers the best in affordable housing.  This beautiful community of 104 two bedroom apartments, was completely renovated in 2017 and provides our residents with a community they are proud to call home.  These spacious units offer comfortable living areas and plenty of storage space.  Meadowbridge Apartments is only minutes from U.S. Route 13 and within easy access to shopping, schools, churches, restaurants, grocery stores, daycare centers and more.

Come explore the comfort and style waiting for you

Our community center offers a comprehensive package of on-site services, including Tenant Services to assist our residents in obtaining a wide variety of community services.  Computers with internet service are available for educational purposes. Meadowbridge Apartments - the perfect place to call home.

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Location, Community, Quality living. It Starts Here!

an empty living room with a checkered floor
an empty living room with a checkered floor
a hallway with a checkered floor and a white door